Marriage is a union of two persons of the opposite sex that are fully mature to join into a lifelong relationship of husband and wife before authoritative witnesses that includes typically representatives of parents of both husband and wife-to-be.
Before this time, the traditional practice was observed with the provisions of cola nut, palm wine, palm oil, cowries, needle and thread, a piece of cotton cloth, and essential items that can be locally sought. It was believed to be borne out of love between the two partners. The practice was considered sacred and respected to a high degree, and both the intended couples had to go through a thoroughly taught principles of how to be a husband or a wife. History says long ago, there were no or least divorce cases.
According to schools of thought, over the years, the tradition of marriage has become less regarded as of old times. Nowadays, the place of locally sought materials has been replaced by foreign fashion like the wearing of rings, gorgeous bridal pomp apparel, and dramatic big shows to appease onlookers; many have to go into debt to save the occasion.

Therefore, many look out to marry wealthy people instead of those who love them. They think wealthy persons can save the expectations of the marriage ceremony. The result of the practice now is now the situation of couples living together with hatred and strife no sooner than the marriage ceremony ends.
Further, men and women would prefer staying together in the guise of husband and wife for years bearing children without the ceremony observed as they keep waiting for the required big cash to do a flamboyant ceremony. The situation will keep on even to the point of one parent or both get died without the marriage ceremony observed.
Others would prefer giving birth to kids with their male or female lovers even though they are not staying together. In these cases, the situations would lead to grown-up children that are not nurtured by their both parents. Schools of thought say the reason behind cases of lack of respect in many homes is as a result of disregard of the original ethics of the union of marriage as handed down to us by our forefathers.
Also, studies show that domestic violence cases are mostly associated with purported unions of marriages that haven’t got their foundation on the rock solid ethics of the original pattern. However, this has led to the young and growing society merely going with the notion that, one can get children at his or her own will even with or without recognizing the ceremonial rite.
It’s time for line organizations, ministries, departments, and agencies (our society) to go to the drawing board and consider the implementation necessary to change the trend that the neglect of marriage wouldn’t result to an endemic situation in our midst.