I have had a fantastic time at the club where I had the opportunity to be part of making history as Bo Rangers FC took their first and well deserved league win in 2022.
I would like to thank everyone who has been involved in one way or another during this successful period with me as head coach . Unfortunately, I can’t name them all, but I have to mention a few that were extremely important to me during this time.
I want to thank Team Manager AKB for a professional collaboration where the club was always number one, Team Director Eric who unfortunately passed away during this trip but who managed to give me a strong and positive impression with his great passion, my assistant coach Abedi a fantastic leader with good values, my faithful goalkeeper coach Alain who worked with me both in Guinea and then in Sierra Leone, welfare Pi Body who was a tremendous support for me during this time at the club and I would like to say a big thank to Bo Rangers FC Chairman Mr. Babadi Kamara, a fantastic and invaluable leader at the club.
I want to thank all players from this and last season for there commitments to bring the trophy to Bo. You guys deserved it so much and I know that the trophy will stay in Bo after this season.
Finally, I would like to thank all the supporters for their fantastic commitment and support.
It is you who have made this possible and I would also like to say that this journey has only just begun.
The club’s success is your future.
Good luck and remember “always in the range”!
//José Salomon