Detective Sergeant Abu Buya Kamara, attached to the Exhibit Clerk Office at the Regional Ross Road Police Station, Harbour Division in the East of Freetown, yesterday tendered three hundred forty-one wraps of dried leaves suspected to be kush.
Kamara tendered the said exhibits during yesterday’s court proceedings before Magistrate Sahr Kekura of Ross Road Court No. 1 in Freetown, during the ongoing unlawful possession matter involving a driver, Abubakar Turay.
Abubakar Turay, forty-one, is being arraigned before the court for the offence of unlawful possession contrary to section 8 (a) of the National Drugs Act of 2008.
It was alleged by the Inspector General of Police (IGP) that accused, Abubakar Turay, on Saturday 6 August 2023 at Old Railway Compound, Freetown, was found in possession of the aforesaid wraps of dried leaves suspected to be kusk.
In his evidence in Chief Sergeant Kamara highlighted his duties and responsibilities including receiving all exhibits relating to matters that had been investigated and kept the exhibits for safekeeping.
He said on the day in question, he was on duty at the above-mentioned unit, at the Regional Ross Road Police Station in Freetown, when Detective 10454 Sesay F. from the Anti-Drug Unit of the said division handed over to him three hundred, forty-one wraps of substance suspected to be kush.
Kamara informed that Bench that he registered the exhibits in the Court Exhibit Book against serial number 154/2023, which were produced and tendered to form part of the court’s records.
When Magistrate Kekura accorded the accused the opportunity to cross examine the witness, being that he was not legally represented, responding, he, the accused, told the court that he had questions for the witness.
Magistrate Kekura denied the accused bail on the grounds that the offence which levied against the accused is of public interest and grave. The accused was remanded at the Male Correctional Centre on Pademba Road in Freetown and the matter was adjourned to 12 September 2023 for further hearing.