Sierra Leoneans woke up to the news that our nation has been grouped together with countries like Russia, Myanmar, South Sudan, Haiti, to name some, to face sharply restricted access to visa to the USA. While it is still in draft form, and even when the details for this turn of classification have not been released, our usual arm-chair political speculators have gone ahead and given the reasons for the restrictions.
When you are dealing with Donald J. Trump, you don’t need a reason or rationale for his actions or behaviour. But while waiting, it has not stopped the rumour merchants from coming up with unverified but seemingly plausible reasons why our nation has been given such a status.
Unfortunately, and for obvious reasons, it is the triumphalist approach and enthusiasm with which some Sierra Leoneans are receiving, disseminating and assessing the news that has left a lot to be desired. This change of status is happening right under the watch of the Bio-led SLPP ruling party. Notwithstanding the fact that this will have national repercussions, it is sometimes difficult to understand why such news deserves a celebration by some sections of our society. It is hard to fathom the level of political antagonism that has enveloped the DNA of our politics. It is one thing to be on the other side of the political aisle, but it is an entirely different kettle of fish to feel joyful when an adverse event happens in or to our country. Interestingly, the bulk of that joy misguidedly comes from the diaspora section of Sierra Leoneans. Why would you believe that, blowing out someone else’s candle would make yours shine brighter is beyond comprehension. Interestingly, those celebrating might be the least affected by this new development. But do they care?
Many would agree that instead of celebrating such a negative national scar, some of that energy could be positively channelled into serious reflections about our country. Let us use this time to calibrate how we got here in the first place. Next, we might want to look at how to get out of here. Interestingly, while the Trump administration clearly states that it is a draft, it has not stopped our geo-political soothsayers from treating us to a moment of schadenfreude (the emotional experience of pleasure in response to another’s misfortune). Many have not only speculated but have categorically stated that our nation’s recent spate of embroilment in the drug scandals involving “Meet Me in Conakry” and “Going Dutch” have not only made bad bedtime stories, but have been contributory.
Other political connoisseurs believe that the political impasse surrounding the June 2023 general elections is also to blame. Some have gone as far as maintaining that the whole of President Bio’s tenure of office has been characterised by political, constitutional and social gymnastics that the US government has found unpalatable. You be the judge. One would recall how vocal the former US Ambassador was about the last general elections. Notwithstanding the threat of bringing “to book” those he said were responsible for the election controversy, threats of visa restrictions and travel bans were also echoed at the time. The then US Ambassador Reimer even tied the MCC award to the election when he said “in a year or two preceding the impact, we were very clear with the government of Sierra Leone that in order to get a compact they needed to have a fair, free, open and transparent election.” Interestingly, Reimer was shortly replaced after the elections. This did not stop the rumour merchants from concluding that his unfavourable view of the elections and that of the Bio- led government might have put paid to his replacement. Coincidence?
As far as coincidences go, Reimer was appointed by the Trump Administration as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Sierra Leone on January 19, 2021 and arrived in March that same year. Is it a coincidence that shortly after Trump has made the Second Coming, Sierra Leone is back in the firing line? Is this a question of unfinished business? Has the ghost of a Trump- appointed ambassador, who was shortly replaced after a turbulent period around our last general elections come back to haunt us? When you think that recently, Ambassador Bryan D Hunt praised the government of Sierra Leone and the All People’s Congress (APC) for their unwavering commitment to implementing the Agreement for National Unity; “We stand in support of efforts that promote peace, stability, and unity, and we look forward to further advancements in strengthening Sierra Leone’s democratic institutions,” does that make you wonder if …? I am not making any aspersions here; I am just thinking aloud. I am exercising my right to allow my mind to wander. ‘Das all.’
If we are to assume that the outcome of the June 2023 elections is partly contributory to the recent visa restriction to USA, one would think that the last Tripartite process between our political parties was a very practical and laudable attempt to redress everything that went wrong about the election. It was a moment of reflection and learning process moving forward. Although there is no evidence or reason given for the visa restriction, but if the speculations that the outcome of the last elections was contributory, where does that leave Ambassador Hunt’s recent praise “….in support of efforts that promote peace, stability, and unity, and we look forward to further advancements in strengthening Sierra Leone’s democratic institutions”?
In a recent article titled “Sierra Leoneans Will Not Forgive or forget Anyone Who Makes Their Country a Drug Den” (, speculation was rife about how the International Community would react to our nation’s newfound penchant to attract drug related stories. The two drug-related stories of “Meet me in Conakry” and “Going Dutch” unfortunately put our country under an undesirable spotlight. Both had international and diplomatic ramifications that left many Sierra Leoneans wondering where our country is heading. While wild speculations have been proffered, it is worth noting that countries can restrict visas to people, countries, companies etc. for various reasons. Some cases get visa restrictions if they lack stringent or standard vetting services for travellers.
However, it is an open secret that among the many controversial programs, Trump’s second Coming election promise of mass deportation was one of his signature campaign covenants with his base. Indications are that, in the eyes of the media he is making good on his promise. In practice, it is becoming a sore issue as the practicalities of deporting even a single person is seen by many as not cost effective. Nevertheless, Trump is soldiering on as it makes for good theatre and soothes the souls of his base. However, let us remember that this is a draft. Trump prides himself as the Chief Rabbi of deals. Is it possible that Trump is sending the first deafening salvo of shots, realising that it is not as easy as he thought, to practically deport that number of immigrants from America? Knowing Trump for his quid pro quo transactional tactics, would he use the visa restrictions, the banning orders bargaining chips to force countries to accept the repatriation of their citizens with or without the legally required documentation?
Most illegal immigrants don’t have documents. If they do, they disappear upon request. It can be very difficult to deport someone without a passport or proof of citizenship. Maybe, just maybe, Trump will use the travel bans and visa restrictions as part of the horse trading. It might go like this: “if you want me to lift the restrictions, you gotta take in these immigrants I am deporting”. Don’t bet against that. So, when Sierra Leone’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Affairs and International Cooperation, Alhaji Musa Timothy Kabba summoned the United States Ambassador, Bryan David Hunt “to explain why Sierra Leone is listed among 43 other countries for a possible US visa restriction or travel ban”(AYV-17/03/25), can you imagine the conversation? Do you think lions would lose sleep over the opinions of sheep? I’m just asking on behalf of my cousin, Oumar.
It is understandable if some bloggers, social media geniuses and other new breed journalists jump to the conclusions that our politics and acquaintances with drug pushing trade are largely responsible for our country’s inclusion on the list of travel bans or visa restrictions. However, what is not understandable is how and why some people find this worth celebrating, as if the ban would include the very people they are celebrating against. Even if they are banned from the USA, those same people would travel elsewhere with relative ease. It will be you, me and our cousins that would be at the receiving end. So, what’s your reason for popping the champagne? Blowing out someone else’s candle would not make yours shine brighter, and can you cut your nose to spite your face? Don’t be shocked if Trump lifts the Visa restriction in exchange for President Bio accepting returnees, and even non-citizens back to Sierra Leone.
Great rivalries don’t have to be built on hatred.
Don’t forget to turn the lights out when you leave the room.
Abdulai Mansaray