• 8 November 2023

Journalism should be free from partisan 

Journalism should be free from partisan 
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By Hassan Osman Kargbo

Journalism is a profession in which news is prepared and distributed on a variety of platforms to the general populace. The public is solely depending on the journalist to get access to accurate information, so if the journalist is not accurate how could the public get tangible information? How could the public aware of daily happenings in governance? The media has been described as the Fourth Estate and as such it must be responsible for disseminating its information to the public.


Sierra Leone is a nation where most journalists have compromised their profession for political appointments. It is not a secret that politics and journalism are different professions and care must be taken for one not to misunderstand the two professions. A healthy democracy is a stellar hub for safe and secured society, but when there is no clear cut between politicians and journalists/journalism, the health of democracy will become compromised in any society. This is clearly epitomizing Sierra Leone’s democracy where the media is supposed to put politicians on their toes, rather journalists are always on various media platforms praise singing failed politicians. Say what you may journalism is no longer the enviable profession we know on this part of planet earth. The narratives have changed for far too long because of the selfish gains of some journalists in Sierra Leone.


Many media houses are now focusing on reporting personalities rather than analysing and interpreting issues to the public. They have taken the ethics of journalism to the dust bin in which they no longer report on issues affecting the masses. There are lots of things to uncover in some Ministries, Departments and Agencies, but the politicians have succeeded to put the media under their belts. The integrity of journalists in Sierra Leone has been seriously jeopardized.


Many say the media has been described as the Fourth Estate, but they are not living up to expectation. Some professions like; lawyers, medical doctors etc. are getting local and international recognitions, but the million dollar question is why the journalism profession is not getting the desired accolades in the country? I am sure; this is simply because many media houses are not going with the ABC principle of journalism in the country.


The ABC of journalism: Accuracy, Balance and Clarity. For short, we say the ABC of journalism! These are the ethical building blocks to any journalism profession. If a journalist decided to deviate from any of the three principles; that individual may compromise the journalism profession. The above principles most be uphold in Sierra Leone if journalism want to get its value. They must deliver accurate and relatively impartial information to the general public.


Of course, challenges are there, and not only in journalism, every other profession faced with different challenges. Challenges should not be the reasons why journalists are becoming a megaphone for politicians in the country, and forget about their roles and responsibilities in the country.


Until and unless media houses know that they have their values to uphold, politicians will continue to use and misused many journalists in the country.


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